Saturday, January 9, 2010

Final final final...Exam exam xam...

exam again....
why exam are non stop and again again again???
every thing do it once...
Birth, death comes in once(1) in life~
love, marriage in once(1) in life~
WHY exam come again again again???

My brain( human) is an understanding object,
it function 24 hour non stop~
but... but ...but ...why my brain will be stop when i enter examination hall( Tarc)~~~~~~~

FORGIVE & FORGET the past...

Forget the past...and dun look back the bad~~
i juz wan lost and broken dream, and forget the past.
there is no need U to remember it any more!!
all the hurt and pain..............i promises it will be more better then now in the future...I promises U...
Forget the past..i hate people talk about the past!
it will be ok now..
forget the past plz~~forget the past...
Learn to forgive and forget...
Just forget IT...